I wrote this Homemade Maple Yogurt Recipe/blog post while participating in the Kids II Blogger Campaign and received monetary compensation and/or free products to facilitate my review.
I’m always looking for ways to include my daughter in the cooking process. She loves to help make her meals, especially her favorite Homemade Maple Yogurt Recipe ! Due to a smaller kitchen she either has to sit on the counter or stand on a step stool, neither of which are safe! I have been looking for a chair that she could easily sit in and the Ingenuity Trio 3-in-1 SmartClean Highchair has come to the rescue! Highchair for a 3 year old? Yes! This isn’t your average highchair. For $100 you can have a highchair that is 3 in 1 – that’s huge, it even has a reclining feature for itty bitty babies. I had to have this highchair! Plus if I left my daughter in a toddler booster (without straps) or just on the seat she’d be out and about instead of eating her dinner. I love that I can use the Ingenuity Trio 3-in-1 SmartClean Highchair has a highchair, booster and most importantly a toddler chair! I can’t resist this aqua color, so gender neutral!
If you needed, this could even be used for a toddler and infant thanks to the 3 in 1. Kay will be able to enjoy this highchair for quite awhile as she’s only 28lbs and it goes up to a generous 50lbs!
When we use it as a toddler chair I can scoot her right up to the table, it’s the perfect height! Whenever she wakes up she wants to bake right after breakfast and I can easily place everything on the table so we can cook together. She can even make her own breakfast right in her highchair! She loves to eat her oatmeal and then right after she’s allowed to have a sweet treat that is either fruit or her favorite yogurt. Today she picked her favorite Maple Yogurt Recipe! There’s a maple yogurt in stores that she loves (me too!), but we can make it at home for less and have fun too.
I put everything on her highchair and she goes on making her breakfast, like a big girl! Greek yogurt, maple syrup, a spoon for mixing and of course the bowl to mix in.
There’s really no need to measure since it’s all by taste and she is pretty good about putting just a little syrup. By using greek yogurt she gets tons of protein and we also only use full fat yogurt.
Once she’s done making her yogurt there’s barely any mess and I can even take off the top tray on the high chair if there was. In addition this highchair is super easy to clean in general. The foam can easily be wiped clean or tossed into the dishwasher, as well as the trays.
There’s so many ways to use this highchair aside from just serving your toddler/baby food PLUS it’s extremely affordable! You can find it for under $100 at Target. We’ll be sharing more about this highchair and the recipes we create in it over the next few weeks! 🙂
Maple Yogurt Recipe
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- 1/2 Cup Whole Milk Greek Yogurt
- 1 Teaspoon Maple Syrup
- Mix together and enjoy!
The nutritional information is automatically calculated and can vary based ingredients and products used. If the nutrition numbers are important for you we recommend calculating them yourself.
psst, you can even use this recipe as a dip – we’ll be sharing the chips recipe soon! 😉
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I am hosting Mini Chef Mondays along with 11 fabulous bloggers!
Be sure to check out each of their Mini Chef posts as well. We would love it if you would share your Mini Chef posts with us each week, too! Follow along socially and join in on the fun by using our hashtag #MiniChefMondays to share creations your mini chef created in the kitchen. Additionally, if you have a kid-friendly recipe that kids can easily recreate link up! Don’t have a blog? Share the URL of your instagram photo in our linky below.
- Jello Play Doh // Momma Lew
- Best Baked Oatmeal Recipe with Apples and Pears // Baby Loving Mama
- 3 Bean Chicken Chili // We’re Parents
- Spicy Shredded Beef Quesadillas // Frugal Novice
- Easy Salmon Recipe That Kids Will Actually Eat // Eating Richly
- Homemade Chicken Nuggets // Giggles, Gobbles and Gulps
- Knife Safety Tips for Kids // Step Stool Chef
- Cooking with Kids // Vegging at the Shore
- Gingerbread Cookies and Cream Bars // Mom’s Messy Miracles
- Applesauce Muffins // O’Boy! Organic
- Chocolate Covered Pretzel Snowflakes // Can’t Google Everything
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