Today we made Parmesan Chicken Nugget Dip for our Mini Chef Mondays recipe!
I really don’t know how to say this, but my mini chef doesn’t like ketchup yet. She refuses to eat it and I say yet, because I’m holding out hope that one she’ll love it Maybe we’ll have to make it homemade! No nugget or french fry can touch ketchup. Don’t put ketchup on her burgers, only cheese. Mini Chef Mondays is all about creating things she likes to eat and that other kiddos can enjoy too! She loves chicken parmesan so one night while we were cooking together she said it was her favorite! She would dunk her pieces of chicken into the extra sauce and then it hit me. Parmesan Chicken Nugget Dip!
I thought for sure she would need my help to pour the sauce so we didn’t film it and she did it like a PRO on her own! Since we started Mini Chef Mondays she’s been a natural in the kitchen. Her first time in the “mini chef Mondays” kitchen she was flawlessly making chocolate covered strawberries. She barely makes a mess, but doesn’t mind getting messy. Our shooting area is on my photography table, so to her that’s her kitchen. It’s the cutest thing to see her run to the fridge and then run to her kitchen. She carries all the ingredients and says “big girls can do this, I’m a big girl”.
This Parmesan Chicken Nugget Dip is such a simple recipe and really doesn’t require too much measuring like a cake would. As you can see she just puts it all in and it’s perfectly cheesy and delicious! You can dunk whatever you want into this dip, not just for chicken! My daughter couldn’t eat chicken until just this past summer due to her FPIES food allergy, so she would eat pork nuggets that I made. Go ahead and have some fun with your food in the kitchen! 🙂
Parmesan Chicken Nugget Dip / Mini Chef Mondays
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- 1/3 Cup Pasta Sauce
- 1/3 Cup Shredded Mozzarella Cheese
- 1/8 Cup Grated Parmesan Cheese
- 1/4 Teaspoon Chopped Garlic
- 1/8 Teaspoon Basil
- 1/8 Teaspoon Oregano
- Topping
- 1 Teaspoon Bread Crumbs
- 1 Teaspoon Grated Parmesan Cheese
- 1 Tablespoon Shredded Mozzarella Cheese
- Pinch of Basil and Oregano for garnish
- Preheat oven to 400 degrees.
- In a bowl mix together all the ingredients aside from topping.
- Spoon mixture into an oven safe dish and top with topping ingredients.
- Bake for 15-20 minutes covered with tinfoil, make sure the tinfoil isn't touching the cheese if possible.
- Remove tinfoil and allow to brown top by cooking longer if desired.
The nutritional information is automatically calculated and can vary based ingredients and products used. If the nutrition numbers are important for you we recommend calculating them yourself.
I am hosting Mini Chef Mondays along with 11 fabulous bloggers! Read how Mini Chef Mondays started and how to link up!
Be sure to check out each of their Mini Chef posts as well. We would love it if you would share your Mini Chef posts with us each week, too! Follow along socially and join in on the fun by using our hashtag #MiniChefMondays to share creations your mini chef created in the kitchen. Additionally, if you have a kid-friendly recipe that kids can easily recreate, link up! Don’t have a blog? Share the URL of your instagram photo in our linky below.
- Picnic Perfect Banana Pudding // Momma Lew
- Refreshing Blueberry Fruit Smoothie // Baby Loving Mama
- Raspberry Sticky Buns Recipe // We’re Parents
- Macarons: Step by Step // Frugal Novice
- Butternut Squash Latke Recipe // Eating Richly Even When You’re Broke
- Balloon Chocolate Bowls with Fresh Berries // Giggles, Gobbles and Gulps
- Pull Apart BBQ Chicken Sliders // Step Stool Chef
- Mexican Mini Lasagnas // Vegging at the Shore
- Color Your Own Cookies // Mom’s Messy Miracles
- Mixed Fruit Challah Bread // O’Boy! Organic
- Carter’s Apple Crumble // Can’t Google Everything
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